Quick and Easy Flat Bread Recipe
Beat the banana/apple/carrot/chestnut purée/tofu to a smooth purée with the milk and egg. This is best done in a liquidizer [blender].
Mix all the dry ingredients for the bread together with one tablespoon oil. Fold the flour mixture into the purée. Do not overmix and do not leave to stand at this point or you will lose the light structure to the bread dough.
Line a 10-inch/25-cm square tray with non-stick baking parchment and spread the mixture in a 1- inch/2.5-cm deep layer in the tray, or in greased individual bun or pattie trays.
Bake in a preheated oven, gas mark 7, 425°F, 220°C, for 35 to 40 minutes. Always check that a loaf is cooked by using a skewer through the middle. The loaf is not cooked until the skewer comes out clean. A part-cooked loaf can be turned over on the baking tray to ensure even cooking.
All gluten-free breads are best served fresh and hot. If bread is not being served immediately, serve toasted.